Saturday, August 6, 2011

so i got my wisdom teeth out yesterday

i got my wisdom teeth out yesterday, and
my lovely friend Ken asked me to document
my pretty face for at least the first 24 hours
(these photos are all a few hours apart by the way).

preamble on the surgery:
all 4 were mega impacted and i had to get put
under. I apparently woke up and argued
with the nurse about smoking, singing her songs,
and roller coasters. I called her a liar.

I'm an ass.

anyway, this is what my face normally
looks like, just a little less thug:

this is me after a few hours of sleeping
etc. once i came down from the anaesthetic high:

this is me after crying about it like a
little baby because the T3s weren't working
and i was hungry and sad and my face
was a basketball of pain:

this is after my dad saved the day with
a massive rainbow slurpee with my favourite
flavour (cream soda) on top
(note the marked increase in happiness):

a few hours later, my brother brought me cake
(which i couldn't eat, and i hate cake, but it
was really nice of him anyway, and it cheered me up):

this is after finally eating, and the pain
decreasing a bit and i realize i'm going to
live through this totally routine procedure
and i'm just a little baby:

my face still super sucks and hurts and sucks.
silver lining: they got em all out so i don't have
to do this again. hooray!

ps: my celebrity look-a-like:
the resemblance is uncanny, no?


Vincent Hong said...

Hilarious Lauren!!!!

nikaela marie said...

this is so adorable

Ryder Mulford said...

Heheh, the resemblance is almost uncanny. Well, I hope you felt much better later on. It's a real drag to be weighed down by the recovery, no? A part of you wants to get healed fast, but it's best for you and your mouth to take it easy during that time.